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As a spa professional, one of the biggest keys to creating a life you love is getting more clients in the door. Easier said than done, right? With the Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast, you can get all the tools you need. Join host Daniela Woerner, licensed esthetician, to get simple, proven strategies for marketing your spa business.

EP 032: Developing You as Your Brand with Salt Freedom

Not everyone can rock a name like Salt Freedom, but that’s precisely her point.


Your brand isn’t your logo, your color palette or fonts, your brand is YOU. Yes, even if your name is not your business name (don’t worry, we’ll get to that).


If you’re typically an earbuds listener and not a video watcher, for this episode, I’d love for you to pop over to our video recording, even if just for a few minutes after you’ve listened, so you can get a look at Salt.


This woman is her brand to the core, which makes it easy to understand why she’s a branding expert.


From what she’s dubbed as her “Salty Truths” as her messaging and her Why, which informs her brand visuals, everything intuitively and authentically ties together, and it’s because she is simply herself.


Of course, knowing precisely who you are isn’t always easy, it requires a fair amount of deep dive soul work, not to mention, you are ever evolving, but doesn’t that sound like a breath of fresh air?


That the best brand you could ever create is simply you being true to yourself?

It sounds radically freeing to me, and in this episode, Salt is laying down the law on what it takes to truly be your brand so that you can stand out amongst the endless scrolling online and create the genuine connection your potential clients crave.


If your brand has felt boring or like it’s a bit of a sham because it’s just not you, this is the insight you need to hear to get crystal clear on your brand.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • How to craft a brand message and visuals that don’t get scrolled over
  • The story of Salt’s name and insights on how to name your business or brand
  • The most important thing you have to understand first before you can fully understand your brand
  • How to reverse engineer the process of defining and refining your brand and your message

References Mentioned in Episode #032: Developing You as Your Brand with Salt Freedom


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EP 033: 6 Ways to Leverage Your Instagram Stories

Remember when Snapchat first appeared on the social media scene and you thought, “Oh great, another social platform I have to keep up with?”


Well, if you’ve been around me long enough, you know I’m a huge proponent of mastering one to two social media channels before moving on to a third platform.


For the majority of aestheticians and the audiences we cater to, our top two channels are going to be Facebook and Instagram.


And chances are if you’re keeping up with the marketing on those two channels, the thought of adding in a third will likely seem unnecessary.


But in any case, if you were intrigued by Snapchat, but found it to be a poor use of your time and effort, you’re in luck because Instagram Stories have rapidly shoved Snapchat off the scene because Stories are not only easier to create, but you’ve already got an audience on Instagram who love the platform. No need to build a new following!


In case you’re not familiar with Instagram Stories, they’re short photo and video slideshows that don’t appear on your main Instagram page or “feed,” but are viewable by clicking your profile picture or will appear at the top of your follower’s “home screen” feed.


When a viewer clicks into your Story, or automatically enters your Story through their “Story feed,” the pieces of your Story will automatically play in the order you’ve uploaded them to Instagram. Your Stories will be viewable for 24 hours and will then disappear from view for Instagram users.


This sub-channel within Instagram provides a massive opportunity for engaging with your followers and with many other users on Instagram who are not your followers…yet!


So, in this episode, I’m giving you six ways to leverage your Instagram Stories and create more opportunities to connect, engage and convert your Instagram connections into more conversations and clients.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • How Instagram Stories differs from your feed and how to think about the content you share in this sub-channel
  • 6 ideas for content to share through your Instagram Stories that will get you connected and engaging with your ideal audience
  • Some of my top tips for using the tools within Instagram Stories to increase interest, make creating content easier and maximize engagement
  • How to determine what content is resonating most with your audience


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EP 034: Discovering Your Inner Beauty with Sara Drury

Nothing irks me more than someone who views careers in the beauty industry as pure vanity, because as any aesthetician knows, beauty is so much more than skin deep.


In our experience working with our client’s skin, brows and lashes, makeup, or any other aesthetic avenue, the core of what we do is building confidence and bolstering the feeling of being beautiful from the inside out.


Our work may treat a surface issue of acne scarring or hiding hyperpigmentation, but the real thing we’re addressing is that voice inside that makes our client’s feel like they’re not enough.


Of course, we know that they are already beautiful and more than enough, but if our gifts in aesthetic artistry can help them see that in themselves, well, that’s why we do what we do.


If you’re anything like me, when I think of that deeper why behind our work as aesthetic experts, it really fires me up and gets my passion pumping for our industry even stronger than it already does.


So can you imagine how we can make our clients feel when in addition to treating the surface we can help them with discovering their inner beauty?


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m talking with makeup artist, beauty expert, and self-love activist, Sara Drury, to discuss the role of inner beauty in our work as aesthetic experts and how her shift in helping her clients discover their inner beauty has grown her business and how it can change yours, too.


If you’ve been thinking of ways to go deeper with your work, expand your earning potential and revenue streams by leveraging your passion in a new way, you’ll want to give this episode a listen!


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • Why Sara began her entrepreneurial journey, and she’s gotten to where she is now
  • What she did to transition her focus from purely aesthetics to also encompassing inner beauty and how that has impacted her work
  • The opportunities Sara identified in her business and how she adjusted her business model for greater scalability
  • How to own your aesthetic expertise and incorporate it into new revenue streams


References Mentioned in Episode #034: Discovering Your Inner Beauty with Sara Drury


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EP 035: Balancing Work and Life as a Busy Mom with Ashli Carnicelli

Anyone who’s a working mom knows the struggle of trying to “do it all,” which also comes with the lesson that if you’re going to try to do it all, it’s difficult to do it all well.


Cue the mom guilt.


With a 17-month-old, I’m right there in the trenches of working out the balance between my family, baby and my business.


Some days everything flows smoothly, but with an ever-growing little one, those smooth days and ironed out schedules can quickly shift and it can feel like we’re back to square one on finding balance.


While those days are par for the course in the grand scheme of parenthood, chaos doesn’t have to be the norm.


As my guest on today’s episode shares, with a few key strategies and practices in place, not only can you take on the tasks your heart desires, but you can craft a mom life/work life balance that actually works and feels good (sans the mom guilt).


In this episode, Ashli Carnicelli, a mom of three (and two under two!), joins me to discuss how she balances her roles as mom, esthetician, and blogger so that she’s consistently present and productive.


If you’ve ever felt even a twinge of guilt about not being present with your kids while reaching for your dreams, or questioned how you’re dividing your time between home and work, I know hearing Ashli’s journey and insights will put your worries at ease and give you some tangible steps you can start putting into action immediately.


Whatever your personal family and work situation, the most important thing I think you’ll walk away with is there’s no “right” way to strike a balance.


What works for you won’t work for everyone, and it’s about time we start to lay down our guilt and dust off our capes because no matter what, I know you’re already superwoman. And this episode will help you see and feel it.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • How Ashli crafts her daily and weekly schedule to meet her and her family’s needs
  • Her strategies and mindset to bring in balance, allow presence and excuse mom guilt from her life juggling multiple roles
  • Why we need to open up this conversation so we can crush mom guilt and focus on the goals  that are important for us, and thus, our family’s and kid’s futures


References Mentioned in Episode #035: Balancing Work and Life as a Busy Mom with Ashli Carnicelli


Read Ashli’s blog The Skincare Belle

Connect with Ashli on Instagram and Facebook.

Bella Santé Day and Med Spa

Join a community of like-minded aestheticians and continue the conversation in the free Spa Marketing Made Easy community.

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EP 036: How to Visualize Your Goals and Manifest the Life You Desire with Melanie Bundock

It’s only been a couple of years since I began to dip my toe into the world of “woo-woo.”


See, I’m a spreadsheet type of girl, I like my neatly aligned cells with clear-cut numbers and results that can be tied to tried-and-true data.


While I still love (and always will) the “science behind success,” I’ve also learned that some of that science lies in the areas that aren’t as clearly defined as a number but are certainly shown to work.


What am I talking about? Mindset.


And in this episode, I’m joined by my friend Melanie Bundock, who knows more than a thing or two about the power of a positive mindset and how you can use techniques such as visualization to manifest the desires you have for your life.


Melanie is a mindset coach, the host of Big Vision TV, and the creator of Tapping Into Abundance, her signature program where she helps her students shift their own state into one that allows their desires and goals to manifest faster and more effortlessly in their lives, no matter what their current circumstances or beliefs.


Still with me here?


Good! Because Melanie’s personal experience is one you have to hear…


Whether you’re 100% on board with trying visualization or if you’re slightly skeptical, you will be awestruck after listening to her stories about being able to make the leap from her quitting her job to start her business (with the help of her winnings on a pretty big-time game show you’ve probably heard of) and how she took her family on the vacation of a lifetime.


In addition to sharing her personal journey with visualization, she’s also cluing us in on her techniques on getting started with manifesting your dreams right after you’re through listening to this episode.


Now I only have one more question for you…


What do you have to lose by giving visualization a try? The answer is absolutely nothing.

So sit back and listen in, this episode could be the start of the shift of everything.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • Melanie’s journey to becoming a visualization and manifestation expert including the incredible stories of how these practices have worked in her and her family’s lives

  • Recognizing your unique desires and goals, and the keys to making visualization work for you
  • How vision boarding can act as a valuable tool in manifesting your dreams
  • The consistent practices you need to embrace to attract the results required to achieve your goals


References Mentioned in Episode #036: How to Visualize Your Goals and Manifest the Life You Desire with Melanie Bundock


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EP 037: The Attitude of Gratitude

We all know that it’s good to be grateful.


But are you really, truly feeling that gratitude?


The truth is, having an attitude of gratitude requires practice, consistency, and specificity, which isn’t always easy, especially if we feel like we’re in a tough season of life or business.


Of course, we’re grateful for all the blessings we have, but when you desire something different, it can leave you feeling lost on how to feel thankful and using that gratitude to propel you forward.


And that’s exactly why I’m bringing you the message I have in this episode, which is all about how you can cultivate a deep sense of gratitude, put it in action, and how by doing so; you have the opportunity to see significant growth in your life and business.


See, gratitude isn’t a byproduct of success; it’s the activator of it.


So click play and dial into all you have to be grateful for, I promise you’ll immediately feel uplifted and see the benefits of building a gratitude practice with time.


In this episode I discuss:


  • What gratitude helps do for our mindset, perspective, and actions, and in turn, how that affects our lives and businesses
  • The 30-Day Gratitude Challenge
  • A story of one of my students and how gratitude can affect the outcome of your goals
  • Why it’s important to get specific when reflecting on your gratitudes


References Mentioned in Episode #037: The Attitude of Gratitude


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EP 038: Online Booking Made Easy

No matter what industry you’re in, the name of the game in business is all about convenience.


Today’s consumers are busier than ever, and if you don’t make it easy for them to do business with you, you can bet they’ll find another spa or esthetician elsewhere.


Not to mention, researchers have found that the average human attention span can now be compared to that of a goldfish (thanks, technology), which is why it’s crucial to capture your potential client when they’re in the process of deciding “yes.” Because if you don’t, they’re gone in a single click, tap or swipe.


However, when you utilize the power of online booking software in your business, you can make that “yes!” just as simple of a process.


And if you’re wondering just how important online booking is, I will stand confidently in my declaration that online booking is more important than any marketing or networking effort you do. That’s right; online booking is spa marketing strategy number one.  


If you’re reading and already have online booking set up, stick around and tune in because I’ve got tons of tips for you, too…


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m giving you the full crash course in online booking software 101 from what you’ll want to consider when choosing a platform to how to set it up so you’re leveraging all of its capabilities, as well as how to set up your new client onboarding process to ensure a fantastic client experience from the first click.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • Why having online booking capabilities through your website is non-negotiable for your business
  • My top tips for simplifying and streamlining your online booking software so it works like a 24/7 salesperson
  • Your online booking software set-up checklist
  • How to design your new client onboarding process step by step


References Mentioned in Episode #038: Online Booking Made Easy


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EP 039: Introducing Cryotherapy Into Your Spa’s Services

Over the last couple of years, we’ve experienced a rise, one that I believe will only continue to increase, in the cross-over between wellness and spa.


After all, going to the spa in addition to being a method for maintaining healthy skin, is also a form of self-care to achieve relaxation and rejuvenation that benefits our clientele both mentally and physically.


With that increasing crossover has come the emergence of cryotherapy in the spa setting.


You may have heard of this referred to as “cryo” or “cold therapy,” and as my guest on today’s episode explains, you can think of cryotherapy as the evolution of the ice bath, but with more science.


In its rise in popularity, cryotherapy has been primarily utilized by the athletic community to aid in muscle recovery, however with its ability to increase blood blow to the tissues, create collagen, and tighten skin, as well as provide a perk-up to the central nervous system, cryotherapy can also make for an exciting add-on to heighten and expand your existing menu of spa services.


In this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’m talking with Chad Finnegan, the founder of IMPACT Cryotherapy, the leading cryotherapy chamber manufacturer in the US about all things cryotherapy in the spa setting.


We’re discussing both how the concept of cryotherapy can fit into your spa to the actual physical outfit of building out a cry unit in your space to how you can effectively and efficiently recoup your investment.


I think you’ll find that this is a pretty cool modality (pun fully intended) that could open up your spa to a variety of new possibilities.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • What is cryotherapy and how it’s being used across the health and wellness and athletic industries plus how cryotherapy is merging with the world of spa


  • How cryotherapy works and its benefits the body and the skin


  • Why cryotherapy can be an ideal fit for spas both due to its physical space requirements and how it can fit within your existing menu of services


  • What the investment in cryotherapy looks like and what a spa owner can expect in seeing their return on investment


References Mentioned in Episode #039: Introducing Cryotherapy Into Your Spa’s Services


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EP 040: The Secrets to Becoming a Six-Figure Aesthetician with Yarely Marquez, L.E.

Sometimes when I tell aestheticians that they have the power and capability to become a six-figure earner (while being solo), I get responses of total bewilderment.


“How is that possible?”


“It’s just me in my business. I can’t imagine being able to pull in that much…what does that even look like?”


If those are thoughts that cross your mind, I know, with 100% certainty, the biggest thing holding you back is your mindset.


Not lack of marketing, or a so-so location in town or too much “competition.”


Without going down too deep of a rabbit hole, let me set the stage by declaring that your mindset is the ultimate deciding factor of whether you will achieve your version of success or not.


How? Because thoughts are beliefs and our beliefs dictate our actions, and if you don’t believe something like being a six-figure solo aesthetician is possible for you, you’re right.


However, if you genuinely believe in your capabilities, your expertise and you have the passion that ties it all together, you’ve got everything you need to hit that six-figure mark.


And joining me today to be the ultimate case study is Yarely Marquez, L.E.


Yarely Marquez, L.E., the owner of Flawless Skin and Brow Boutique in the Twin Cities area, and she is a member of the six-figure aesthetician club, and for good reason.


Yarely is not only a whip-smart businesswoman and rockstar aesthetician who is clearly an expert in her field, but she’s also a shining example of someone who has the mindset it takes to grow to a level many dream of, but never reach.


It takes authenticity, it takes gratitude, and an outlook that says I don’t have to do this, I get to do this.


In this episode, she’s spilling her top tips and deepest insights on how to build a six-figure business as a solo aesthetician through smart business operations, strategic marketing, and of course, creating an excellent client experience.


With a new year right around the corner, there’s no better time than now to get the gears going on finally making it to six figures in 2019.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • Yarely’s journey to becoming a solo aesthetician and her tips for making the transition
  • Her biggest challenges she has faced in growing her business as well as the most significant contributors to her success
  • The mindset shifts she made around selling and retail that took her business and services to the next level
  • The importance of setting boundaries for the health of your work-life balance and your business


Resources from Episode #040: The Secrets to Becoming a Six-Figure Aesthetician with Yarely Marquez, L.E.



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EP 041: Hydrafacial #Beautybomb

Welcome to our weekly #Beautybomb, a burst of info on the latest and greatest ingredients, products, and treatments in the spa industry to help you expand your knowledge and fine tune your client communications


In this week’s #Beautybomb I’m talking about one of my all-time favorite treatments, the HydraFacial!


HydraFacials are an excellent treatment for a variety of clients and are not only a terrific go-to treatment before your client’s big events but also as a prep for other services.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • What a HydraFacial is and the benefits it can provide for your clients and patients
  • The science behind the ingredients used during a HydraFacial and the general protocol with tips for customizing your treatment
  • My top tips for giving a stellar HydraFacial and achieving the signature dewy glow that comes with this treatment


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, request future #Beautybomb topics and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.

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EP 042: The Importance of Sharpening Your Business Skills with Carla Jones

Whether you own your beauty business or you work as a team member at a spa, it is critical that you have a well-rounded understanding of foundational business principles. And as today’s guest, Carla Jones, explains, the couple of pages of business material in the back of your beauty school textbooks isn’t enough to pass by.


As the founder of Salon Solutions Group, Carla helps beauty industry professionals learn, earn and thrive and her tell-it-like-it-is style helps her students and clients understand the vast importance of sharpening their business skills if they want to achieve their big goals.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • How Carla transitioned from her career in logistics and operations into the beauty industry and how her foundational skills served her in her new career
  • The common misconceptions about being a six-figure earner and what you need to know about your numbers to get there
  • The power of positivity and self-awareness in creating an unforgettable client experience
  • How she navigated a negative client experience and stumbling block but came out with a powerful lesson
  • Carla’s top pieces of advice and insights for new grads and business owners setting out to create their own version of success


Continue the conversation and connect with like-minded beauty and spa professionals looking to build thriving careers and businesses by joining the free Spa Marketing Made Easy community.

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EP 043: Chemical Peels #BeautyBomb

Welcome to our weekly #Beautybomb, a burst of info on the latest and greatest ingredients, products, and treatments in the spa industry to help you expand your knowledge and fine tune your client communications.


In this week’s #Beautybomb, I’m talking about the incredibly versatile treatment, chemical peels. Not only do I love performing chemical peels, but I love receiving them for their array of benefits as well as high-level of customization.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • What a chemical peel does in regards to the physiology of the skin as well as the main benefits of utilizing chemical peels
  • Why shedding like a snake isn’t an indicator of success when achieving results for your clients and patients
  • Plus, the primary things you need to know about depth, types of acid, and the most critical factor of chemical peels, pH


To keep the conversation going, ask questions, request future #Beautybomb topics and connect with other like-minded aestheticians building thriving careers, join the free Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast community.


Additional Resources and Readings:



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